
Peptide Therapy

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Peptide Therapy services offered in Clarksburg, MD

If you’re frustrated by persistent fatigue or poor immune health, it may be time to consider the benefits of peptide therapy. Peridot Primary Care offers personalized peptide therapy plans for adults looking for solutions to improve their wellness. Princess Stephenson, CRNP, uses high-quality peptides to supplement what your body already makes, so you can function at peak levels. The providers also offer nutritional counseling and other resources to support your wellness journey. Call the Clarksburg, Maryland, office today to schedule a peptide therapy consultation or use the online feature to book an appointment.

Peptide Therapy Q & A

What is peptide therapy?

Peptides are chains of amino acids that facilitate communication between your body’s cells. These amino acids help activate your body’s natural healing abilities to support optimal health and the efficiency of your biological processes. 

Individual peptides function in their own unique way. They can act like hormones or neurotransmitters and can also respond to the foods you eat or the activities you engage in. When your natural peptide levels are low, it can cause a variety of health issues, including low energy, slow healing of injuries, and weight gain.

Peridot Primary Care offers peptide therapy to supplement the peptides your body makes naturally, so you can feel better and function at optimal levels.

When should I consider peptide therapy?

Peptide therapy may be right for you if you often feel run down, fatigued, or overwhelmed by stress. It can also aid in the following:

  • Losing weight
  • Relieving pain
  • Enhancing immune function
  • Improving focus and mental clarity
  • Better managing anxiety or depression
  • Recovering more efficiently from workouts or sports
  • Supporting natural healing for open wounds from surgery or an injury

The providers take a whole-person approach to assess your wellness needs and determine if peptide therapy is an option for you.

How long does it take to see the results of peptide therapy?

Peptide therapy is available in several forms, including injections that help the peptides get into your bloodstream quickly, so your cells can start using them.

The providers can also prescribe oral capsules, topical creams, or a nasal spray to meet your lifestyle and personal preferences.

The results of peptide therapy aren’t instant, and it takes some time for your body to adjust to your treatment. You may notice a difference in your energy levels right away or within a few weeks of starting therapy. Lifestyle changes and diet improvements can also enhance the benefits of peptide therapy. 

The team continues to monitor your progress with peptide therapy. They also offer nutritional counseling, medically supervised weight loss, and other resources that support your long-term health and wellness.

Call Peridot Primary Care today to learn more about the benefits of peptide therapy or book a consultation online.